The next day of our desert outing we stopped along S-2 at a turnout overlooking the badlands ORV area.
Some ants were gathering purple flowers.
Having left Salton Sea behind in a cloud of dust, haze (or is that smog?), we arr

Near the campground restroom I noticed the dropping of another sort of bug, photographa analogum var litteri. All things considered, though, it was a great weekend in the nearby California deserts.
There are fascinating bugs that dwell in the unique sand dunes near Alamosa, Colorado. Apparently they don't live anywhere else but there. And there are idiots who want to drain the aquifer under the sand dunes, not thinking in the least about the rare life forms that live there!
Sometimes people's stupidity really amazes me.
Certainly a nice looking blog you have going here Vanessa, and I even found here the link to the North American Insects that I had lost a few weeks back, and couldn't remember where it was located or what it was named.
I'll be back!!
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