This fly located a rich field of aphids on these budding gaura lindheimeri flower stalks. I mean, these plants were literally dripping with aphids which were dropping off wholesale in response to my messing with their flower stalk. I always wonder how long it takes 'em to climb back to the top where they like to feed. Anyway, it's the smell of a happy, productive aphid colony that guides the female syrphid fly to good aphidy spots to lay her eggs.

The eggs hatch in a few days to what I guess technically is a maggot, seeing as it is a fly larva. These maggots are kind of pretty and live to devour aphids. Four days after this larva was photographed amid a robu

Syrphid flies mimic the appearance of bees as a protective strategy. They differ from bees in many ways, not the most mundane of which is their ability to hover in place. On a good day, with the sun pouring down like aphid-scented honey, you'll see lots of them stationed around your flowers like geosynchronous satellites, occasionally darting off on a fly mission, or settling to feed, or maybe rest.

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