The syrphid fly Copestylum mexicana, Mexican cactus fly, lays its eggs in rotting cactus, often Opuntia, where the larvae grow and develop in the moist and warm environment. The adults feed on nectar. Somewhere near here there must be a rotting cactus plant where these flies hatched, fed, grew up and emerged as adult flies hungry for nectar. They showed up promptly as the Mexican marigold (Tagetes lemmonii) bloomed in my yard. These flies are wary of people with cameras but still spent considerable time nectaring while I took these photos.
Attracted to the same plant are Eristalinus taeniops (another large syrphid fly) in a similarly uncanny way. The larvae of tha
Tagetes lemmonii, the friendly neighborhood nectar bar for friendly neighborhood flies, flies just passing through, and flies of unusual origins.
Two flies walk into a bar. The first one says, "Ouch. I never thought they could lower the bar that far." The second one replies, "Why are we walking; we're flies!"
amazing detailed photographs. I didnt know they chose to lay eggs on rotting cactus plants
that's weird and interesting.
Yes, note to self: Add rotting opuntia cactus to our next neighborhood treasure hunt list.
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