The tops of my shrubs along the public sidewalk are decorated with little agglomerations of elm seeds, elm leaves, rose geranium petals, and whatnot known as the retreats of labyrinth orbwea
These spiders are colonial, meaning they are not averse to living in close proximity to each other. I've got several; probably would have more except for the healthy population of other predators (birds, mantids, assassins, wasps, lizards) that keep most species in the garden from becoming dominant.
The female labyrinth spider produces several egg sacs, in a row like peas or beads, then camouflages them with plant matter in the same manner as the retreat. In fact, I thought this nest was a retreat until I took a closer look and saw the round silk-covered egg sac within. Tiny black spiderlings hatched out of he
A few days ago I checked on this spider, and found a bee hung in her orb web. There has been no sign of the spider in the retreat or nearby. Did she get mortally injured in the fight to subdue this honeybee?
Fantastic set of photos. I have a Metepeira labyrinthea in my back yard I have been watching over the past month.(Martinez CA-Contra Costa County) Fasinating hideaway she makes....I have not seen an egg sack yet but now that I read your description, I will be on the look out.
I have great affection for these little spider-builders. Happy watching there in N. Cal.
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