Santolina chamaecyparissus is a mouthful, so let's just call it Lavender cotton. As you can see the flowers are not purple, so I guess the moniker lavender comes from the leaves which are remini
Holy Herb! That's another colorful common name for S. chamaecyparissus but it's also what I exclaimed when I noticed the tiny green lynx spider (Peucetia viridens) with prey of some sort (looks like another tiny spider) right under a flower. Green lynx spiders of all ages and sizes hang out in the tops of flowering shrubs and perennials to exploit (!) the visitors to the flowers. This little one has chosen a plant and flower in scale with its own body size.
Very lovely shots.
Hey, I've been wondering lately: What do these little spiders do between the time they hatch in late summer/fall and their mommas die and they all but disappear until late in the spring? Are they just dormant all that time, hiding somewhere?
That investigation into the winter doings of the green lynx is right near the top of my ToDo list, Cindy. It really is a mystery waiting to be solved.
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